What are customer types?

MadeKnown 4 min

When you're making a purchase or engaging with a business, it's not just about the transaction—it's about your underlying needs and the reasons that drive you to spend money.

Even in scenarios like making a donation, there’s a psychological incentive involved. Businesses that thrive understand and cater to these needs.

These needs encompass various aspects, both psychological and physical, motivating a person to buy a product or service and remain loyal to a particular business. For instance, in today’s world, customers seek quick and convenient ways to access online support. If a business falls short in providing an online experience comparable or superior to an in-person one, customers may migrate to a competitor that does.

What customer types are there?

We’ve seen that there are seven primary types of these needs:


Basic politeness and courtesy go a long way. A friendly and approachable atmosphere is indicative of a positive customer experience.


Customers want to feel understood and valued by the brand they interact with. A significant percentage express a desire for empathetic interactions.


Customers expect fair and reasonable treatment, with attention that aligns with their needs and expectations.


Customers prefer to feel they have a say in the outcomes. Empowering customers by incorporating their feedback into improvements is crucial.


Providing customers with a range of options and flexibility in customer service channels is vital, too. High-performing companies often adopt an omni-channel support strategy.


Customers seek pertinent and timely information about products and services. Striking the right balance is key, as an overload of information can be off-putting.


Recognising the value of customers’ time is essential. Quick issue resolution is a top priority for the majority of customers, and businesses need the right tools to respond promptly.

How can we decipher these needs?

There are various methods we can employ, which vary or mix depending on client, business, market and audience:

Focus Groups

Gathering selected individuals for discussions on specific topics to gauge feelings and perceptions about a brand.


Traditional yet effective, surveys provide a broader understanding of what customers think about a product or brand.

Social Media Listening

Leveraging social media platforms to gain real-time insights into customer feedback and preferences.

Keyword Research

Analysing online search behaviour to understand popular terms and phrases related to a business.

Customer Journey Mapping

Creating visual representations of customer interactions with a brand to identify pain points and enhance overall experiences.

Once these these needs are discerned, strategies can be tailored to meet them effectively. This (usually) involves delivering excellent customer service, cultivating empathy, predicting future needs through data analysis, truly understanding a customer base, and adapting to customer behaviours.

In essence, it's akin to a well-run restaurant anticipating your favourite dish and ensuring it's prepared to perfection each time you walk in, creating a consistently delightful dining experience.
